Resources Header


Below are links to several resources, including education articles and regulatory agencies.

usepa_header   1. United States Environmental Protection Agency.  There are several remediation resources under the Superfund sites section.

gaepd  2. Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Hazardous Waste Division- provides information on hazardous sites, the Brownfield Program, the Voluntary Remediation Program and more.

3. Article on how ZVi treated arsenic in groundwater at a lead smelter in Montana.  Written by the US EPA.


4. Article on how a ZVi PRB treated uranium in groundwater at Fry Canyon, Utah.  Written by the US EPA.

ZVi PRB removing uranium_Utah

5. A Citizen’s Guide to In-Situ Chemical Reduction.  Written by the US EPA.


6. “From flask to field: Lessons for transferring remediation technology to nuclear waste sites.”  Presentation by Vincent Adams, PhD from the US Department of Energy.

Remediation Technology and Nuclear Waste Sites

7. Article on the natural attenuation of hexavalent chromium in groundwater and soils.  Taken from the US EPA Groundwater Issue.

Natural Attenuation of Hexavalent Chromium

8. This is a collection of abstracts including 19 remediation sites.  These studies were compiled by the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable.

Remediation Case Studies

9. Paper entitled “Development of Innovative Remedial Methods for PBT-Contaminated Sediments in the Great Lakes Drainage Basin” written by Dr. Dan Cassidy and Duane Hampton with Western Michigan University.

Innovative Remedial Methods for PTB Contaminated Sediment